Feb 12, 2009
My chocolate dreams...
You know what I love? Huge mug of hot chocolate with whipped cream on top and english test that went really well. Oh, and I got K- from my Finnish book essay. K means like number 9 between 4-10(and 10 is best, of course). Minus came because there was few typos(mostly I forgot commas, bwah). And in that English test I got total blackout few times(how can I forgot word office? But I fortunately remembered it on time). And I couldn't get word communications technology to my head so I wrote IT. Not sure if that will be accepted... But in big picture it went well.

And YES, I'm gonna get finally new mobile today. About between 5 pm and 9 pm, I ordered it from internet with home delivery. I guess I get it most likely at 5 pm because every time I order something online with home delivery, it comes really early to our door.

Thank God today I can relax, there isn't any necessary school stuff and I'm too tired to go library. It can wait untill next week.

Picture is by DeathByBokeh at Flickr


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