May 2, 2009
Map full of dreams.
I had... weird... dream last night. It felt like I was in really crowded city in the Middle-America. But it was my school.

It was same building and I did recognize it but it had changed into hot, sweaty mall. In one classroom - where they teach languages mostly - was a shop. It was full of weird stuff and they made piercings and tattoos there. I walked there with my friend and when I got out, middle of my right wrist was a hole. It's diameter was something like 1,5 inches and it didn't bleed or anything. So I crabbed a map somewhere and teared it into strips. Then I rolled one long strip around the hole in my arm and I was amazed by it... My friends thought I had lost my mind.

At some point I woke up and noticed that hole in my wrist wasn't there. Really realistic dream, I could say. Anyway, I got an idea to drawing from that dream.

Shopping Monday, movie Tuesday, portfolio in creative writing ready on Wednesday, boards Friday, mall Saturday. I love next week - and this isn't really even sarcasm.

(I'm addicted on polaroid-styled photos!)


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