Apr 26, 2009
Put butterflies on her soul.
Sorry that I haven't really posted anything besides music videos lately... It's really sunny and warm outside so what else could you do than enjoy that awesome weather and music? And our internet has been just terrible in these few days, it cuts off every half second and is really slow.

I walked over 6 miles on Friday to the post office. And when I saw the box where my new love was in, we teared all that paper off with my friend. I have to say, that camera is so awesome. I tried it yesterday:

Now, I guess I'm gonna continue doing my OTH video for that contest. It's really sad one... And I have one Twilight video unfinished too, I'm not really sure yet if that's gonna be sad or just about love. We'll see.

And I can smell that summer air coming from open window. Maybe I could carry this laptop outside again?


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